The history of this day in the Church calendar means many people were allowed and encouraged to go back home, to their mother church and to their family. As the “hallmark hype” has grown, I have often worried about those who watch us celebrate this day when they know they may never have a child, or who never knew their mum or whom their mum has forgotten who they were because of dementia, those who have been neglected, abused, and/or taken away from parents and those who now love and care for them as if they were their very own.’. But from now on, I think I will see it from several other perspectives more clearly as well. From the painful place of a mother who has lost a child, whether in the womb, at birth, or most poignantly as a young person with their whole life ahead of them! I’ve known the former and still feel that loss everyday but cannot even imagine the latter, as a fellow mother who would do absolutely anything for my children, or for that matter my mother, or my mothering friends. Or the mother who goes without to feed her own because that’s all there is, or worries about losing her children because of mistake or misjustice, all of which I have also witnessed in these three short months. And as of this past few weeks, I will also be more aware of those mothers (and fathers) who’ve given their children roots and wings and they’ve flown far from home to explore the world only to have to either race to the airport to get home or face physical isolation from family for some considerable time. The other situation I am aware of is those who could be going with flowers or having a meal, but can only look in from a far in order to protect their precious loved one or the many people working round the clock to save our loved ones who may be isolated from their families for everyone’s physical distance. Where mothers carrying babies, or having just had them worry for their future wellbeing, for mothers who’ve missed milestones they were looking forward to and families of mothers who’ve died and they can’t be with them to physically say farewell. And, going back to the history, for those who are so strongly tied to their church families who can’t go and worship in that building today or see that family today, to remember our bond. And there are so many more... 2020 has already been a bloody tough year, and we aren’t anywhere near done. This all applies to fathers as well, by the way. Please don’t take a single one of these relations for granted, or be too hard where things have gone wrong, but rather let us remember how we are all part of the human family, which I believe is the family of God, living on Mother Earth who may in time flourishing and where one rejoices we all rejoice, where one suffers, we all suffer. A bit like when we say morning instead of good morning when it’s raining here, which it is, I will simply say mother, and let each of you ponder and treasure the relationship from deep within. And finally to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the women who’ve loved and nurtured me, and to the four amazing creatures who’ve taught me so much and been patient with me about love and understanding, and the church families who’ve welcomed me home on both sides of the Atlantic. Another long post early in the morning, after a very hard week before the start of a very strange day, which is so unlike me and may not all make sense, but is most certainly from the heart. Xx Faith hope and love remain these three but the greatest of these is love! X Show that love everyday! Oh, and the first thing to make me cry throughout all of this was Lorna’s beautiful painting she”surprised’”me with after nursery and the pure delight love she showed in giving it to me. These next weeks and months will be tough all being together all the time under one roof, but I will not take a single day for granted and I know their love will shine through in the simple moments like this, which make it all worthwhile. I am so deeply grateful to my mum, and their mums, and the God who is like a mother hen welcoming her loved ones in and surrounding them with perfect love that casts out fear. (Sermon/blog done, now off to share it virtually with my church family and to drop it off on the doorsteps of some of the beloved children of God).
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