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Kirk Session and Congregational Board

This is the group of people, elected by the congregation, who make the decisions for the running of the local church.  The session is composed of elders, who are ordained and share in the leadership, pastoral care, and oversight of the congregations.  Elders are responsible for the administration and spiritual oversight of the congregations.  When the elders meet with the Minister, who is their Moderator, they are called the Session.  This doesn't have to do with age so much as those who are considered competent and wise enough to make good decisions.


General Responsibilities:

Receive new members;  keeps rolls

Leads the congregation in the mission and ministry of the church;

Instruct, examine, ordain, install, and welcome new elders;

Maintain a regular and continuing relationship with the higher governing bodies of the Church of Scotland;

Serves in judicial matters.


Session members assist the minister with pastoral duties by visiting members of the congregation who are shut in or are unable to attend services.  Their responsibilities extend to the elderly, the isolated, those in crisis because of illness, bereavement and loss, and those people who are undergoing difficult changes in their lives.  Elders work to make God’s presence visible in definite and tangible ways.


There is a joint Kirk Session and Congregational Board each of which meets regularly.  The Fabric Committee is drawn from the Board.  The key responsibilities of the Board are that it:

Establishes the annual budget and distributes the offerings;

Manages and determines the proper use of church property and facilities.


The Session:


William Christison

Donna Conroy

Ann Dyer

Ella Macdonald

Alex Nightingale

Winkie Potgeisser

Barbara Russell

Donald Young

Margaret (Pearl) Young

Session Clerk:  Margaret Young


The Board: (along with the Elders listed above):

June Crighton

Janice Lennon

Anne Thorburn

Jean Virtue

Sheila Ainslie

Clerk of the Congregational Board:  Barbara Russell



We hope that your visits to any of the churches in Dunglass parish may lead you to join our congregation(s).  Our members are friendly and most are involved in their local church, the wider parish, and their local community.  We welcome new members to our congregation any time and pray that you will find your church home with us.


How to join:

The Session receives new members in one of three ways:

  • Profession of faith

  • Reaffirmation of faith - a reaffirmation of faith is the appropriate way for someone to join who has been away from the life of a church for a while.

  • For someone who belongs to a church which does not grant letters transferring lines.

  • Transfer of lines from another congregation


New Members Classes': (as needed)

We understand that our potential and new members may have many questions about our church, the wider Church of Scotland, and about Presbyterianism in general.  To help you, we offer a New Members/Inquirers Class.  It usually meets five or six times.  This class is open to anyone who would like to become a member, those who have recently joined, or for anyone in the congregations who wants a wee refresher.  It is not a requirement for joining, but we highly recommend that everyone attend before joining or soon thereafter. 


Please contact Suzie for more details. 


Topics we cover include...

  • What do Presbyterians believe?

  • Why do Presbyterians worship they way we do?

  • What is a Session, Presbytery and General Assembly?

  • Communion, Baptism, Weddings & Funerals

  • Reformed Theology

  • The history of the Church of Scotland

  • Mission and Ministries of the parish of Dunglass

Parish of Dunglass

Church of Scotland

The Parish of Dunglass combines three parishes; Cockburnspath, Innerwick and Oldhamstocks.  The parish straddles the border of East Lothian and Berwickshire and belongs to the Presbytery of Lothian


The Manse,


TD13 5XZ

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