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Covid19 Responders: Here to Help!

Please use the following details if you know of any neighbours/friends who are self-isolating that might need shopping or prescriptions collected, advice from NHS read aloud, or a friendly chat to prevent them feeling too lonely.


Oldhamstocks Community Association and Parish of Dunglass




Phone: 07436991460



Innerwick Parish Welfare Association and Parish of Dunglass




Phone: 07562523904



Cockburnspath & Cove CC and Parish of Dunglass




Phone: 07562523904


Innerwick and Cockburnspath and Cove Covid Responders Team are here to help you. I can also forward your request on to the Oldhamstocks Covid Responders. A number of efforts are now set up to help anyone resident in our community who is experiencing temporary financial difficulties as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions, whether due to loss of work or because you cannot get out for basic essentials. We now have food and financial resources directly available to help those who need it, in our community and a simple phone call is all it takes to get further information from our small emergency relief team. If you are struggling, please get in touch confidentially by email to or or on our emergency response number 07562 523904 for details of what is available and how to access it. If you know of someone who may find this helpful, please ask them to get in touch.

The criteria and form to apply for financial support are available, just email Suzie on either of the above addresses for confidential assistance.

As you hopefully already know, we already have a team of coordinators and volunteers ready to help ease the burden of those self-isolating, and now have access to local resources to help provided support for those who need it, through grants provided to us in these unprecedented times. We would ask you to please make use of the details on the two cards that have been put through your door to get in touch.
Please do not to hesitate to ask for help.

The Food Store - Share & Shop

Tuesday & Friday afternoons from 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm


Planned closure of Foodbank from 18th June 2021 Announcement:

"If restrictions continue to be lifted, we’re tentatively going to close the foodbank on Friday 18th June. From next week (4th May) on we’re going to offer some seasonal veg to encourage folk to come along and stockpile some tinned stuff too. Any goods left at point of closure will have to be returned to Fareshare so, although we’re working in the dark a bit at the moment please help us to reduce the tinned stock in anticipation of closure. We’ll all miss foodbank and it’s social aspect, but it’ll be a positive if it’s no longer needed"




Parish of Dunglass

Church of Scotland

The Parish of Dunglass combines three parishes; Cockburnspath, Innerwick and Oldhamstocks.  The parish straddles the border of East Lothian and Berwickshire and belongs to the Presbytery of Lothian


The Manse,


TD13 5XZ

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