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“Truly, we stand today on the shoulders of countless saints who have laboured in this place to have the vibrant and dynamic church we enjoy. That faithfulness suggests to me that it is incumbent on those of us who benefit today from the hard work of prior generations to do all we can to further build God’s kingdom here.”

- David Beacham


We are always looking for volunteers interested in helping lead worship though bible readings, music, prayers, children's talks or in other ways.  If you feel called to serve, please speak with Suzie. 

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Generosity in adversity

Updated 27 March 2020


In the midst of the current global and economic crisis our church buildings may be closed but the work of the church goes on. The regular, committed and generous giving of our members is necessary to support and sustain that work. Together we can ensure that the church - that is all of us - continues to demonstrate God’s generosity, faithfulness and love. If ever the church has been needed in our communities, it is now.

The great hallmarks and characteristics of the Christian church are its inherent love and kindness in the face of adversity. In the eighth chapter of 2 Corinthians we read about the grace that God gave to the early church during a very severe trial. That grace led to overflowing joy and generosity.

People across our nation are facing life-changing situations; therefore, we must be fully committed, equipped and resourced to be the church for this time and context.

In every parish throughout the country, ministry and mission continues to be delivered even in these times of challenge and restrictions. However, this is only sustainable through the ongoing generosity of those who support the church.

You may be concerned as to how your congregation’s income will be impacted over the next few months while buildings are closed, and gatherings are cancelled. Some churches have already begun to find different ways to maintain congregational giving that enables the continuation of effective mission and ministry.


How do I fit the church into my budget?


Many people find giving their time and talent easy, almost natural. But giving treasure, or money, seems more difficult. When we find ourselves asking, “How do I fit the church into my budget?” our question comes from living a life of scarcity rather than one of abundance.

Every day news stories describe life in terms of shortages – food, money, sales, or work – all the stuff and activity in our daily life. Soon, we become preoccupied with scarcity and fear rather than the good news of God’s faithfulness which invites us to open our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to our wonderfully resourceful Creator and to become channels of God’s abundant and eternal life.

Our job, our mission and calling, is the simple act of taking the ample supply of things, time, and money that we have and sharing this abundance with those whose lives are filled with shortages ranging from faith, hope, and love, to food, clothing, and shelter. As we recognise God’s goodness, our lives overflow, and Stewardship’s real question surfaces: “How can my faithfulness reflect God’s faithfulness to me?”

Stewardship in the church is composed of diverse and gifted people who are growing in their discipleship and sharing their faith through the community and the world. Rather than the church being served by the members, the church serves the members by enabling gifted and called members to honour and glorify God in their daily living using their God-given gifts.  Our gifts support mission work both locally and around the world. Our contributions feed the hungry, clothe the poor, build shelter for the homeless, and provide for missionaries in foreign lands. We are all called to participate in God’s work through our generous and cheerful giving of both our time and our possessions

Your giving makes it possible for us to offer faithful ministry!

Leaving a Legacy

During your lifetime, you express your faith by attending church, attending Sunday school, studying the Bible, praying, along with demonstrating your faith through your actions and words. Leaving a gift to the church in your estate plan is a final expression of your faith to God. It is one more way of building your personal relationship with God and helping to ensure that the church continues for generations to come.

Parish of Dunglass

Church of Scotland

The Parish of Dunglass combines three parishes; Cockburnspath, Innerwick and Oldhamstocks.  The parish straddles the border of East Lothian and Berwickshire and belongs to the Presbytery of Lothian


The Manse,


TD13 5XZ

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