All are welcome: young & old, regular churchgoers or not... joining us as we worship and explore our relationship with God and the world around us.

About the Parish
The Parish of Dunglass was created in 1994 of the three parishes of Cockburnspath, Innerwick and Oldhamstocks. The parish straddles the border of East Lothian and Berwickshire and belongs to the Presbytery of Lothian.
The Church of Scotland connects with different people and communities throughout Scotland and around the world, spreading the message of the Gospels and the word of God, and playing an important role in people's lives.
Our local churches have a key role in doing this among their communities within the parish system.
We work ecumenically with other Christian denominations in the Dunbar area through Dunbar Churches Together.
There are two services each Sunday, cycling between the three churches, with an increased number of joint services to bring the whole parish together in a shared act of worship.

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because because by it I see everything else.” C.S. Lewis

The church, at the centre of the village has four singular features: The round tower, the bell, the burial aisle and the sundial. The distinctive round tower was added in about 1650 and the height increased 12 ft in 1827 on the suggestion of Lady Dunglass. The present fine-toned bell was a gift in 1837 from the Broadwood family, once proprietors of Fulfordlees, although a bell is recorded as having been in place as early as 1644. The burial aisle is at the east end of the church. It was built by the laird, William Arnot in 1614, and kept in repair by his successor, Sir William Nicholson, who reserved it for his family. The sundial is on the south west corner of the church and therefore able to give afternoon times. A new vestry was built in 2003.

A parish church has been in existence here since before 1127 and beneath the current foundations lies evidence of an even older place of worship with ruins of several pillars. The present building dates from several periods, the oldest part in use being the chancel which is 14th century. The remainder dates from 1701.
It is simple, charming and has excellent acoustics.
There is an old stone sundial and a Watch House built at the height of the body-snatching era.
Church Bell
The bell was recently restored by local benefactors, and once again announces services to the valley.
For more information on Oldhamstocks Village Church
click here.

The Church, Old School, Village Hall and The Post Office, all constructed from traditional red sandstone, date from 1784. Historical records state that the church was originally founded prior to 1165 and continued as a place of worship throughout mediaeval times.
Church Bell
The church contains the ancient St Adamnan's Bell, preserved in a grille in the porch. It is said to date to around 800 AD and for centuries lay in the churchyard of St Brandon's Chapel, Glenlyon. It is made from one piece of iron and riveted together to form a bell 13 inches high.